Regardless of what a man tells you about foreplay he is in fact enjoying himself. Numerous guys might tell you that "foreplay is for women". That is simply not accurate; foreplay makes us want what''s coming even much more. It is like dangling a bag of chips in front of a fat kid; it''ll get him all rallied up. In this article I''m going to talk just a little bit about how you can foreplay effectively and nearly make him cum with out even touching his genitals.First Tip: The key behind good foreplay is speed. You want to take it slow, and nearly go too slow. A great method to consider it is that you want his mind to function quicker than the sensations you''re giving him. You would like him fantasizing about how it will feel to enter your mouth. So truly do take it slow and for the maximum effect, give him enough time to cultivate the thought of your mouth over his penis. Second Tip: Dirty Talk. Another fantastic method to spark his fantasies is to begin telling him exactly what you are going to do to him. You can even exaggerate just a little; remember it''s a fantasy you''re attempting to play up, give him something to function with. Dirty talking is really a entire art of it self, but among the biggest keys is to use a lot of descriptive adjectives that get the associations in his mind going. Third Tip: Touch His Whole Body. The last tip I''m going to share with would be to touch his entire body, every part of it, except his genital area. Which will certainly get him going and ready for what''s to come. Remember that all skin is extremely sensitive and use that to your benefit. By utilizing these simple tips to enhance your foreplay not just will you make it simpler for your self whenever you really begin, you''ll make it a lot more pleasurable for him as soon as you get going. And if he enjoys himself then he''s going to make sure you enjoy yourself as well...

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